
生物制剂和生物类似药证书:制造药学院 亿德体育的主要研究方向是化学、制造和控制 (CMC) aspects 在 development and manufacture of biopharmaceutical products, preparing students for positions 在 industry and sharpening the skills and knowledge of those already working in this field. 这个证书是学校颁发的 法规事务(RA)和质量保证(QA)研究生课程 可以在网上找到. 获得此证书不需要硕士学位.

的 first biopharmaceutical product (recombinant human insulin) was approved in 1982, 从那时起, products derived through biotechnology have provided medical advances that include cell and gene therapies, 治疗性单克隆抗体, 癌症疫苗, 细胞因子, 反义技术, RNA干扰, 生长因子. 

的 生物制剂和生物类似药:生产证书 enables students to become fluent 在 methods used 在 discovery of biopharmaceutical products, 包括材料采购和测试要求. Technologies and unique considerations associated with the manufacture of biopharmaceutical products are discussed. 教师 are drawn from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the biopharmaceutical industry, 确保教授最新的发展和实践. 他们都是行业资深人士,在各自的专业领域拥有多年的专业知识, who share their considerable knowledge with students through classroom discussions and hands-on workshops.  

Students who complete the 生物制剂和生物类似药证书:制造 sharpen their knowledge of this industry niche without committing to the entire master’s degree. Executive recruiters often seek candidates with demonstrated knowledge of the application of regulations to biologics and biosimilar manufacturing. 的 certificate provides students with credentials from Temple’s well-respected RA和QA研究生课程, giving them a solid grounding 在 issues surrounding biopharmaceutical manufacturing. 该证书对硕士申请者和毕业生开放, 谁可以用这个新证书扩大他们的职业机会.



  • 更深层次的生物制剂和生物仿制药CMC策略 

  • phase appropriate regulatory compliance elements applicable to biologics and biosimilars manufacturing; 

  • 生产生物制剂和生物类似药的主要步骤;  

  • fundamentals of quality by design (QbD) as relevant to biologics and biosimilars manufacturing; and

  • fundamentals of statistical process control principles as relevant to biologics and biosimilars manufacture.  


Students have the option to complete a post-master’s curriculum in biologics and biosimilars manufacturing. This post-master’s certificate requires the completion of coursework focusing on how biologics and biosimilars are manufactured, 特别关注法规遵从性元素, QbD和统计过程控制的基础知识. 申请这个15学分的课程, applicants must hold a master’s degree in a 药店-related field and a bachelor of science degree in biology, 化学, 工程, 药店, 物理或相关领域.

Learn more about the Post-master’s 生物制剂和生物类似药证书:制造.


50多年来,亿德体育 药学院 提供了优秀的研究生课程 RA和QA


  • 1968年开创了RA和QA研究生教育, offered the first RA和QA online degree program and offers the most comprehensive RA和QA curriculum;   

  • 拥有来自工业界和美国的优秀专家教师.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), assuring the latest developments and practices are taught; 

  • 吸引了来自生物制药的学生, 医疗设备, 医药及相关行业(化妆品), 食品和保健); 

  • schedules live courses with interactive discussions and workshops on evenings and weekends; 

  • has hundreds of students from across the country, facilitating great networking opportunities; and 

  • 为学生提供个性化服务.    

Certificates provide credentials from Temple’s well-respected RA和QA graduate program, 哪些可以适用于RA和QA硕士学位. 

程序的格式 & 课程  

强烈建议学生获得生物学学士学位, 化学, 工程, 药店, 高等院校认可的物理或相关专业毕业. 然而,不需要科学学位.

的 生物制剂和生物类似药证书:制造 may be earned on its own or on the way to the RA和QA MS 或者是 先进生物疗法:生产和法规事务硕士, offered in partnership between 亿德体育’s 药学院 and the Kanbar College of Design, 托马斯·杰斐逊大学的工程和商业专业. 要获得证书, five courses must be completed within a four-year period with an overall B (3.0)平均. 


  • 生物技术:生物过程基础(RAQA 5471): Students with prior educational or biologics manufacturing experience may substitute a course from the elective list below in lieu of this course. 

  • 生物制剂/生物类似药:监管概述(RAQA 5515): Students with prior educational or biologics regulatory experience may substitute a course from the elective list below in lieu of this course. 

  • 全球cmc -生物制药和其他生物制品(RAQA 5577) 

  • 医药生物科技(8005) 


  • 统计质量控制(RAQA 5451) 
  • FUE(设施、公用设施和设备)的验证(RAQA 5468) 
  • 工艺验证(RAQA 5474) 
  • 先进生产质量管理规范-定义“c”(RAQA 5479) 
  • 无菌产品生产(RAQA 5492) 
  • 灭菌过程(RAQA 5493) 
  • 无菌产品的开发(RAQA 5501) 
  • 药品生产中的微生物概念(RAQA 5512) 
  • 清洁验证(RAQA 5516) 
  • 疫苗:类风湿关节炎和质量保证问题(RAQA 5572) 
  • 实验统计设计(DOE) (RAQA 5627) 
  • 过程监控(RAQA 5629) 

所有课程必须在亿德体育完成 RA和QA研究生课程. 不接受其他院校的转学分. 如果学生已经在美国认可的大学完成了相同的课程.S. 研究生院, the student may petition the RA和QA program to waive that course and take another approved elective in its place. This request must be made in writing and approved before the student pursues the certificate. 




  • 考生必须正式申请并遵循 申请程序 (申请表格、成绩单影印本及完成通知书). 

  • Only one certificate program may be completed before students receive the MS.

  • Students must complete the certificate within four years, and courses may be completed online. Students must apply f或者是 certificate within one year of completing all required coursework f或者是 program. 

  • Students interested in pursuing the RA和QA MS degree may apply all credits earned 在 certificate towards their graduate degree, provided they formally apply for admission to the MS program and are accepted by 亿德体育’s 研究生院.



学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this program offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费是一样的, 课程是否在线, 校园, part of a certificate program or part of another master’s program at the 药学院.

宾夕法尼亚居民的课程: $3,393
非居民每门课: $4,218

学费 rates at 亿德体育 are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的.

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


亿德体育的院系和专业都获得了美国亿德体育协会的认证 中部州高等教育委员会.